安装 CLI
Combo CLI 是一个命令行工具用于与 Combo SDK 交互,主要包括生成构建所需要的配置与打包产物 (apk、ipa 等等)
- Linux amd64
- Windows amd64
- macOS amd64
- macOS arm64 (Apple silicon)
Download the latest release
- 浏览器打开 Combo CLI Releases
- 根据你的操作系统选择合适的 zip 安装包
Install into your local directory
将下载的 zip 解压后,运行命令 sudo install combo /usr/local/bin/
Export PATH
To export PATH, run the following command.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/
Future terminal sessions may require you add this path to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file, if it isn’t there already.
Verify installation
To verify installation, run the following command.
combo version
The command returns the following output.
Version: 0.1.1
Go version: go1.21.5
Built: 20240102
Git commit: 0eac02a352c18be1f95c7bade4fc76eaf8082757
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
Install the binary on Windows
Select a Combo Release, decompress the zip file, and move the binary to your PATH.